Speed Secrets Podcast!
A few weeks ago, Ross Bentley asked me (well, to be honest I asked him first) to be on his new Speed Secrets Podcast. It was great fun doing it and once you get past many of the excessive "umms, and errs" hopefully there is some good stuff in here for the listeners.
Links to Speed Secrets Podcast | website | Google Play | iTunes | Android | Stitcher | RSS
I mention something at the end of the Podcast which I think, for me personally, is a very special part of why I race. Racing is a community of friends who might be competitive but also great fun to be around. I've made some of the best friends, life long friends, and great acquaintances at the track. This podcast is a great example.
I reference in the broadcast a piece I wrote for SpeedSecretsWeekly about being an HPDE driver moving to racing, you can find that in the links below, as well as links to my AiM videos both on this website and on YouTube.